Working dog breeds: choosing a dog to participate in various activities (herding, hunting, rescue)

Border Collie: The Border Collie is a breed of dog that is used for herding work on farms. They have a high level of intelligence and mental stamina, which makes them ideal for field work. They also learn commands well and adapt quickly to different situations.

Kelpie: The Kelpie is a breed of dog that originated in Australia. They are ideal for herding work because of their high physical stamina and ability to adapt quickly to different conditions. They are also good at learning commands and have a high degree of socialization.

Belgian Shepherd Dog: The Belgian Shepherd Dog is a breed of dog that specializes in herding work. They have a high level of intelligence and energy, which makes them ideal for field work. These dogs also have a good protective response and the ability to adapt to different conditions.

Sheepdogs: Sheepdogs are breeds of dogs that specialize in working with sheep, cows, and other animals. They are well suited for working on farms and ranches. These dogs are highly mentally and physically resilient and also have good protective responses.

Australian Cuttlehound: The Australian Cuttlehound is a dog breed that originated in Australia. They are used for herding work as they have high physical stamina and energy. These dogs learn commands quickly and work well in extreme heat and cold.

Description of dog breeds for hunting work

Laikas: Laikas are breeds of dogs that are used for hunting small game. They have high stamina and speed, and have keen senses for the source of scent. Laikas usually work in pairs or groups, making them ideal for hunting foxes, hares, and other animals.

Hounds: Hounds are breeds of dogs that specialize in hunting big game. They have a high level of stamina and quickness and have a keen sense of smell. Hounds usually work in pairs or groups and can hunt deer, wild boar, and other large animals.

Retrievers: Retrievers are dog breeds used for hunting waterfowl such as ducks and geese. They have a high level of stamina and agility and have a well-developed sense of smell and water skills. Retrievers are also great companions and friends in daily life.

Pointers: Pointers are a breed of dog used for hunting birds. They have a high level of energy and stamina and have an excellent sense of smell. Pointers specialize in finding and displaying game, making them ideal for hunting pheasants, quail and other birds.

Setters: Setters are a breed of dog that is also used for hunting birds. They have a high level of energy and stamina and have an excellent sense of smell. Setters specialize in finding game and pointing it out, making them ideal for hunting pheasants, quail and other birds.

Description of rescue dog breeds

Labrador Retriever: The Labrador Retriever is a breed of dog that specializes in rescue work, such as searching for missing people or detecting drugs. They have a high level of energy and stamina, as well as an excellent sense of smell. Labrador retrievers are also very social and friendly dogs, making them ideal for working with people.

Newfoundland: The Newfoundland is a breed of dog that is used for water rescue. They have high physical stamina and speed, and are excellent swimmers and have a well-developed sense of direction. Newfoundlands can help rescue people who are stranded in wrecks or dangerous water conditions.

Bernese Sennenkhund: The Bernese Sennenkhund is a breed of dog that is used for mountain rescue work. They have high physical stamina and speed, and have excellent senses and directionality. Bernese Sennenhounds can help rescue people who find themselves in hard-to-reach places, such as mountains or cliffs.

Doberman: The Doberman is a breed of dog that is used for rescue work in emergencies such as earthquakes, fires and terrorist attacks. They have high physical stamina and quickness, and have well-developed senses and directionality. Dobermans can assist in search and rescue in dangerous conditions.

Rottweiler: The Rottweiler is a breed of dog that is also used for rescue work in emergency situations. They have high physical stamina and quickness, and have well-developed senses and directionality. Rottweilers can assist in search and rescue in dangerous conditions.

How do I choose the right breed of dog for the job?

Go with the goals of the job: The first step in choosing the right breed of dog for the job is to determine the goals of the job. Different dog breeds are suitable for different types of work, so it’s important to determine what tasks the dog should perform.

Keep breed specifics in mind: Each breed of dog has different characteristics that can affect its suitability for the job. For example, some breeds have high physical stamina, while others have a high level of intelligence. Therefore, it is important to consider breed characteristics when choosing a dog for work.

Choose a puppy with work-appropriate characteristics: When choosing a puppy for work, you should pay attention to its characteristics, such as energy level, socialization, intelligence, etc. It is important to choose a puppy whose characteristics match the job he will be doing.


Choosing the right breed of dog for the job is a very important step. Different dog breeds have their own characteristics and are suitable for certain types of work. When choosing a dog for a job, you need to consider the purpose of the job, the breed’s characteristics, and the characteristics of the puppy. However, keep in mind that any breed of dog can be a great friend and companion in life, no matter what kind of work it does.