English Poynter

The English Poynter is a breed of dog known for its stamina, speed, and excellent hunting qualities. In this article we will look at the features of the breed, its origin and history, characteristics, and recommendations for the care of these dogs.

Origin and History

The English Poynter was bred in England in the seventeenth century for use as hunting dogs for fowl. They were originally called “pointers” because they were trained to point at game with their paw. The breed later became known as the English Poynter.

Characteristics of the breed

  1. Appearance: English Poynter has a slender build and tall legs. The color can be different: white, black, lemon, as well as tortoiseshell.
  2. Character: these dogs are very energetic and active, they need to move a lot and exercise. They are friendly and easy to train.
  3. Hunting qualities: English Poynter is an excellent assistant of a hunter, they are fast and agile, able to find game at long distances and to point at it with their paw.


  1. Daily Walks: English Pointers need long and active walks, so they need access to a large yard or walk.
  2. Good nutrition: To maintain health and energy, dogs need a high-quality and balanced diet that includes meat, vegetables, grains and vitamins.
  3. Daily grooming: The English Pointer needs daily care for his coat, ears, eyes and teeth. Regular brushing and nail clipping are also necessary to keep the dog healthy and comfortable.
  4. Regular visits to the veterinarian: In order to maintain health and prevent possible health problems, the English Pointer should visit the veterinarian regularly.

Interesting Facts

  • The English Poynter was used as a character in an episode of the American television series “Supernatural.”
  • Dogs of this breed can reach speeds of up to 48 kilometers per hour.
  • The English Poynter is one of the most popular hunting breeds in the world.

How long does an English Poynter live?

The average life span of an English Pointer is 12 to 15 years. However, as with other dog breeds, many factors can affect an English Pointer’s longevity, such as genetic predispositions, quality of care, nutrition, and lifestyle. Regular vet visits, a healthy diet, and plenty of exercise can help increase your dog’s longevity.

Top 10 facts about the English Poynter:

  1. The English Poynter originated in England and was bred in the 17th century for use as hunting dogs for fowl.
  2. English pointers were originally called “pointers” because they were trained to point at game with their paw.
  3. The English pointer has a slender build and tall legs. The color can be different: white, black, lemon, as well as tortoiseshell.
  4. These dogs are very energetic and active, they need to move a lot and exercise.
  5. The English Poynter is an excellent assistant to the hunter, they are fast and agile, able to find game at long distances and point at it with their paw.
  6. Dogs of this breed can reach speeds of up to 48 kilometers per hour.
  7. The English Poynter is one of the most popular hunting breeds in the world.
  8. These dogs are very friendly and easy to train.
  9. The English Poynter needs daily care for its coat, ears, eyes and teeth. Regular brushing and claw trimming are also necessary to keep the dog healthy and comfortable.
  10. The English Poynter is a dog breed that is ideal for active people who enjoy sports and outdoor activities.


The English Poynter is a dog breed that has a long history of use as hunting dogs for birds. They are fast, agile, energetic, and friendly, making them a great choice for active people who like to spend time outdoors and exercise. Dogs of this breed are also very easy to train and require regular care, including daily walks, proper nutrition, and regular vet visits. If you are looking for a dog that will be the perfect companion for your adventures, the English Poynter may be a great choice.