
The Newfoundland originated in Canada, on the island of the same name, where it was bred from local dog breeds and with the help of blood from breeds brought to the country by mariners. Originally, these dogs were used to help fishermen and search for shipwrecks. Later, the breed became known for its abilities as shepherds and haulers.

The main characteristics of the breed

  • Size: the Newfoundland is one of the largest dog breeds. The average weight of the adult male dog is from 60 to 70 kg, and the height at withers can reach 70 cm.
  • Appearance: Newfoundland has a thick coat and a powerful build. It can be black, brown or white in color.
  • Character: The Newfoundland is a kind, balanced and loyal breed. They are great for families with children and become true friends to their owners. They are also intuitive and can guard their owners when needed.
  • Health: Newfoundlands are an obese breed, so it is important to watch their nutrition and health. They can also have trouble with their joints and breathing.
  • Grooming: Newfoundlands require regular hair brushing to avoid tangles. They also need plenty of exercise and walks.

Use of the breed

The Newfoundland is a versatile breed that can be used for a variety of purposes. They can serve as shepherds, search dogs, rescue dogs, and draft dogs. Because of their large and powerful build, they can perform impressively in a variety of competitions, such as shows, sporting events and weightlifting.

Can I keep a Newfoundland in my apartment?

Although the Newfoundland is a rather large breed of dog, many people wonder if they can be kept in an apartment. In general, the answer depends on several factors.

First, the apartment must be large enough to provide enough room for your dog to live and play. Newfoundlands generally don’t need a lot of exercise, but they still need room to run and play.

Second, you need to consider the noise level. Newfoundlands can be quite loud, especially when they bark or play. This can be a problem if you have neighbors in your apartment who don’t like noise.

Third, it’s important to consider the size of your apartment and having enough space for your dog, including a place to feed, sleep and toilet.

Finally, Newfoundlands have long coats that require regular grooming and cleaning in the apartment. Therefore, if you decide to keep a Newfoundland in your apartment, you will need to brush its fur regularly and remove hairs from furniture and floors.

So, while Newfoundlands can live in an apartment, it is not always the best choice for this breed. If you have a large enough apartment and are willing to give enough time and attention to your dog, the Newfoundland can be a great companion for apartment life. However, if you do not have enough space or are not willing to give enough time and attention, it is best to consider other dog breeds that are better suited for apartment life.

Pros and cons of the Newfoundland

The Newfoundland is a large and kind breed of dog that can be a great companion for many people. However, like any other breed, it has its pros and cons. Here are some of them:


  1. Kindness: Newfoundlands are known for their kindness and loyalty to their owners. They are very fond of people and make excellent companion dogs.
  2. Intelligence: Newfoundlands are highly intelligent and trainable. They learn commands easily and can perform many tasks.
  3. Good for families with children: Newfoundlands are an excellent choice for families with children, as they are very loyal and protective of their small owners.
  4. Versatility: Newfoundlands can be used for a variety of purposes, such as shepherds, draft dogs, rescue dogs and search dogs.


  1. Size: The Newfoundland is one of the largest dog breeds, so they can take up a lot of space and require more food and space to live than smaller breeds.
  2. Hair: Newfoundlands are well coated and need regular grooming and cleaning.
  3. Obesity Prone: Newfoundlands can quickly put on weight and become obese if they are not given enough exercise and their diet is not controlled.
  4. Health: Newfoundlands can have problems with their joints, heart and breathing, so it’s important to monitor their health and see a veterinarian when necessary.

Overall, Newfoundlands are wonderful dogs with many perks that can make great companions for many people. However, just like any other breed, they have their disadvantages, which are also worth considering.

Top 10 facts about the Newfoundland:

  1. The Newfoundland is one of the largest dog breeds, with an average adult male dog weighing between 60 and 70 pounds.
  2. This dog breed comes from the island of Newfoundland in Canada, where they were used to help fishermen and search for shipwrecks.
  3. Newfoundlands have a thick coat that protects them from the cold and water.
  4. This breed of dog is quite intelligent and trainable, and they can perform various tasks such as search and rescue.
  5. Newfoundlands are very loyal and protective of their owners and can be good companion dogs for families.
  6. They can come in a variety of colors, including black, brown, white and black and white.
  7. Newfoundlands can be prone to obesity, so it is important to monitor their nutrition and health.
  8. This breed of dog can be used for a variety of purposes, such as herding, pulling, rescue and search dogs.
  9. Newfoundlands can have health problems, including joint problems and breathing problems.
  10. This breed of dog is known for its kindness and loyalty, as well as the protection and safety they can provide to their owners.


The Newfoundland is a large and kind breed of dog that is known for its loyalty and loyalty to its owners. They can be used for a variety of purposes such as shepherds, draft dogs, rescue dogs, and search dogs. Newfoundlands require a certain amount of grooming, including regular coat brushing and diet control to avoid problems with obesity. However, like any other breed, they have their own disadvantages to consider when choosing this breed. Overall, Newfoundlands can make great companion dogs for families and people looking for a loyal and protective friend for life.