Breeds of dogs to work with children and adolescents: help with development and rehabilitation

Dogs can play an important role in the development and rehabilitation of children and teens with disabilities. Dogs can be loyal and trustworthy friends who can help children and teens become more confident, learn to socialize, and develop social skills. In this article, we will look at dog breeds that can help children and teens with their development and rehabilitation.

Breeds list

Breeds description

  1. Labrador Retriever: this breed is known for its friendliness and kindness. They are highly intelligent and easy to train. Labrador Retrievers can help children and teens with disabilities improve their movement coordination and develop a sense of responsibility.
  2. Golden Retriever: This breed is also very friendly and easy to train. They can help children and teens with disabilities improve their social skills and learn to communicate.
  3. Boxer: This breed is energetic and playful, making it a great partner for children and teens. Boxers can help children and teens develop physical stamina and learn to work as a team.
  4. Sheltie: This dog breed is highly mentally organized and is well suited for working with children and teens with disabilities. Shelties can help children develop logical thinking and decision-making skills.
  5. Collie: This breed is also very intelligent and energetic. Collies can help children and teens with disabilities improve concentration and learn to follow instructions.
  6. Poodle: this breed is highly intelligent and is great for working with children and teens with disabilities. Poodles can help children and teens develop their cognitive abilities and improve their memory.
  7. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: This breed is very friendly and affectionate. Cavaliers can help children and teens with disabilities learn to understand emotions and improve their communication skills.
  8. German Shepherd: This breed is known for its loyalty and mental organization. German Shepherds can help children and teens with disabilities develop self-discipline and improve social skills.
  9. Bernese Sennenhund: This breed is known for its kindness and loyalty. Bernese sennenhounds can help children and teens with disabilities learn how to work in a group and improve their communication skills.
  10. Basset Hound: This breed is highly mentally organized and is well suited to work with children and teens with disabilities. Bassets can help children and teens improve concentration and learn to follow instructions.

Benefits of working with dogs for children and teens

  • Social skills development: Working with dogs can help children and teens improve communication skills and learn to socialize.
  • Improving physical fitness: Working with dogs can help children and teens improve physical stamina and coordination.
  • Developing emotional intelligence: working with dogs can help children and teens understand emotions and develop emotional intelligence.
  • Improving mental performance: working with dogs can help children and teens develop cognitive skills and improve memory and concentration.
  • Developing responsibility: Working with dogs can help children and teens develop a sense of responsibility and learn to care for others.


Working with dogs can provide many benefits for children and teens with disabilities. The dog breeds we reviewed in this article can help children and teens develop social skills, improve physical fitness, develop emotional intelligence, improve mental abilities, and develop a sense of responsibility. If you are looking for a partner to work with children and teens, check out these dog breeds.