Small dog breeds for apartments: top 10 compact and adapted to city life breeds

Life in the city can be pretty stressful, but if you have a small dog breed, it can make life a little easier. Small dog breeds are often ideal pets for apartments because they don’t take up much space and don’t require much maintenance. In this article, we present the top 10 small dog breeds that are perfect for city living.

  1. Yorkshire Terrier: This breed of dog is known for its small size and its long, silky hair. Yorkshire Terriers are great companions for apartment living and can be easily toilet trained on a diaper.
  2. Chihuahua: This dog breed is also small and ideal for apartment life. They are usually very protective and can make excellent guard dogs.
  3. Pug: Pugs are very active and playful dogs, but they can also adapt well to apartment life. They do not usually require much grooming, but they do need regular exercise.
  4. Pekingese: This breed of dog is very independent and can live very well in an apartment. They usually do not require much exercise, but they do need regular grooming and haircuts.
  5. Shih Tzu: Shih Tzu are very friendly and gentle dogs who adapt well to apartment life. They do not usually require much grooming, but their long coats do require regular grooming and hygiene procedures.
  6. French Bulldog: This breed of dog is known for its short, sleek hair and is ideal for apartment life. French Bulldogs are usually lazy and do not require much exercise, but they do need adequate socialization and training.
  7. Chinese Crested: Chinese Crested dogs are very friendly and energetic and are excellent for apartment life. They don’t usually require much care, but they do need regular exercise and socialization.
  8. Bichon Frise: This dog breed has a beautiful, white coat and a very friendly personality. The Bichon Frise adapts well to life in an apartment, but its fluffy coat requires regular grooming and hygiene procedures.
  9. Maltese: Maltese dogs make excellent apartment companions. They are small and easy to get accustomed to the diaper toilet. However, their long hair requires regular grooming and haircuts.
  10. Spitz: The Spitz is a very energetic and playful dog that adapts well to apartment life. They do not require much grooming, but they do need regular exercise and socialization.

How do I choose a small dog breed for my apartment?

When choosing a small dog breed for an apartment, it is important to consider several factors such as size, personality, and care. Here are a few important things to consider when choosing a small dog breed for an apartment:

  1. Size: Small dog breeds usually do not take up much space and can easily live in an apartment. However, before choosing a breed, you should make sure that the size of the dog is appropriate for your living conditions.
  2. Character: The character of a small dog breed should fit your lifestyle. For example, if you spend most of your day at work, it is better to choose a dog breed that does not require much attention and physical exertion.
  3. Care: Before choosing a small dog breed, make sure you are prepared to take care of it. Some small dog breeds require regular grooming for hair, teeth, ears, and claws.
  4. Socialization and training: many small dog breeds require socialization and training to be well-behaved and sociable. This can include daily walks and training to satisfy their energetic nature.

It is important to consider all of these factors when choosing a small dog breed for an apartment to ensure your pet’s health and happiness.

Some additional tips for small dog breed owners:

  • Give your dog plenty of exercise and regular walks outdoors. This will help them stay healthy and happy.
  • Monitor your dog’s health and make regular visits to the veterinarian for preventive checkups and treatment.
  • Teach your dog commands and socialize them with other dogs and people. This will help them be well-behaved and sociable.
  • Provide your dog with enough care for his coat, teeth, ears, and claws. Regular grooming will help prevent disease and keep your pet healthy.


Small dog breeds are great companions for apartment living. In this article, we have presented the top 10 small dog breeds that are ideal for city living. When choosing a small dog breed for an apartment, there are several factors to consider, such as size, personality and care. By choosing the right breed, you can ensure that your pet has a healthy and happy life in the apartment. Don’t forget that caring for a dog takes time and effort, but in return you will get a loyal friend and reliable companion for many years.