Low Barking Dog Breeds: Choosing a Quiet and Quiet Dog

There are many factors to consider when choosing a dog: size, personality, activity level, and more. However, for residents of high-rise buildings, it is also important to consider how loud a dog can bark. In this article, we will discuss low barking dog breeds that may be the ideal choice for such people.

First Breed: Basset Hound

The Basset Hound is a small dog breed that is known for its quiet nature and low barking. They are great for apartment living because they don’t need large spaces to run and play. However, they can be a bit stubborn, so they require patience and persistence in training.

Second Breed: Border Terrier

Border Terriers are small and energetic dogs that are known for their low tendency to bark. They can be a great choice for apartment dwellers who are looking for a small and active dog. Border Terriers need long walks and playtime to stay healthy and happy.

Third breed: Bulldog

Bulldogs are large and powerful dogs that are known for their calm nature and low barking. They can be an ideal choice for residents of high-rise buildings who are looking for a large dog that doesn’t bark much. Bulldogs are very loyal and love to be around their owners.

The fourth breed: Greyhound

Greyhounds are outgoing and elegant dogs known for their high speed and low barking. They can be an ideal choice for residents of high-rise homes who are looking for a large, quiet dog. Greyhounds can be quite active, but they also like to rest and sleep for most of the day.

Fifth breed: Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retrievers are large and friendly dogs that are known for their loyalty and friendliness. They also have a low bark level, making them a great choice for apartment dwellers. Labrador Retrievers need regular walks and playtime to stay healthy and happy.

Sixth breed: Poodles

Poodles are small dogs that are known for their intelligence and loyalty. They also have a low bark level, making them an ideal choice for apartment dwellers. Poodles are very energetic and need regular walks and playtime to stay healthy and happy.


Choosing a dog with a low bark level can be a great solution for residents of high-rise buildings. But don’t forget that each breed has its own characteristics and care requirements. So before choosing a dog, be sure to research the breed’s characteristics and consider what kind of pet is right for you.