Otterhound (otter hound)

The Otterhound originated in Great Britain and was bred to hunt otter. The breed was created in the 19th century by crossing breeds such as Basset Hound, Foxhound and Mongrel. The Otterhound got its name because of its ability to swim and hunt otters. The breed was first officially recognized in 1900.

Characteristics of the breed

The Otterhound is a large breed of dog that has a muscular body and a smooth and thick coat. The average height of the Otterhound is about 60 cm and can weigh up to 30 kg. They have dark eyes and a wide nose, which gives them excellent olfactory sensitivity. Otterhounds are very active dogs that need long walks and regular exercise. They are also friendly and loyal to their owners, making them great companions for families with children.

Grooming the Otterhound

Otterhounds have a thick coat that requires regular care. They need to be brushed at least once a week to remove excess hair and prevent lumps. Claws should also be trimmed regularly and ears and teeth should be brushed. Since Otterhounds love to swim, it is important to monitor their ears to avoid infections. They also need regular training and exercise to maintain their stamina and muscular body. They love to do physical activities such as running, swimming or ball games.

Tips for raising an Otterhound

  1. Start training and socialization at a young age. Otterhounds can be a bit stubborn, so it’s important to start training as early as possible. Socialization is also important so they can learn how to behave in different situations.
  2. Give them plenty of exercise. Otterhounds need long walks and other physical activities. If you can’t give them enough time for walks, the breed won’t be right for you.
  3. Don’t forget about coat care. Regular brushing and clipping will help keep the coat healthy and shiny. Also, pay attention to ear and tooth hygiene.
  4. Pay attention to nutrition. Otterhounds need high quality food that will ensure their stamina and health.

Advantages of the Otterhound:

The Otterhound is a dog breed that has several advantages that make it popular with dog lovers. Below are some of the main advantages of the breed:

  1. Endurance: Otterhounds have a muscular body and stamina, making them ideal for people who like to exercise and play sports. They can walk long distances without fatigue.
  2. Friendly Character: Otterhounds are friendly and loyal dogs who are very attached to their owners. They are also child-friendly, making them great companions for families.
  3. Olfactory Sensitivity: Otterhounds have excellent olfactory sensitivity, which makes them excellent hunting dogs. They can also be used to search for missing people or drugs.
  4. Intelligence: Otterhounds are highly intelligent and can learn new commands and tricks quickly. They are also able to adapt quickly to new situations and environments.
  5. Health: Otterhounds usually have good health and a long life. However, like any breed, there are a number of diseases they may be prone to. Therefore, it is important to monitor the health of your pet and make regular visits to the veterinarian.
  6. Swimming: Otterhounds are excellent swimmers and love to swim. This can be helpful for people who live near water or have a pool.

Overall, Otterhounds are great dogs that can make great companions for people who love exercise and nature. They have great character and stamina, making them great companions for long walks and other activities.

Top 10 facts about the Otterhound:

  1. The Otterhound is a breed of dog that was bred in Great Britain to hunt otters.
  2. They get their name from their ability to swim and hunt otters.
  3. Otterhounds have a smooth and thick coat that requires regular grooming.
  4. They have excellent olfactory sensitivity, which makes them excellent hunting dogs.
  5. Otterhounds are very active dogs that need long walks and regular exercise.
  6. They are friendly and loyal to their owners, making them great companions for families with children.
  7. Otterhounds are highly intelligent and can quickly learn new commands and tricks.
  8. They can be used to search for missing people or drugs due to their olfactory sensitivity.
  9. Otterhounds love to swim and are excellent swimmers.
  10. They have good health and a long life, but may be prone to certain diseases, so a regular vet visit is an important aspect of pet care.


The Otterhound is a breed of dog that can be a great companion for active people who love nature and physical activity. They have a muscular body, stamina, excellent olfactory sensitivity, and a friendly disposition. Otterhounds need regular exercise, coat grooming and regular training to maintain their stamina and intelligence. If you are willing to give your pet everything it needs, the Otterhound can be a great companion and friend for years to come.