Polish Podhalean shepherd dog

The Polish Podhalean sheepdog was bred in Poland in the 16th century. Its original purpose was to protect flocks of sheep and cows from predators. Later, dogs of this breed began to be used as service dogs for the police as well as for search and rescue.


The Polish Podhalean sheepdog is a large, powerful dog with a long, thick coat. It has a thick undercoat that protects it from the cold. The coat can come in a variety of colors, including black, gray, pale, and white. Dogs of this breed have a strong, powerful structure, their height at the withers can reach 60 cm and weight of 40 kg.

Character and behavior

Polish Podhalean sheepdog is an intelligent and loyal dog that is easy to train. They are loyal to their owners, but can be aggressive to strangers and animals. Therefore, dogs of this breed should be taught socialization from an early age.

Dog grooming.

Polish Podhalean Sheepdogs require regular hair care to avoid tangles and tangles. It is recommended to brush their coat daily, especially during shedding. They also need regular exercise, including walks and games.

Pros and cons of the Polish Podhalean Sheepdog:


  1. High working qualities. Polish Podhalian Sheepdogs were originally bred to guard herds and work with security services. They are highly intelligent and can learn quickly, which makes them excellent partners for various sports and service work.
  2. Unique appearance. Polish Podhalyan Sheepdogs have a beautiful, powerful and elegant appearance that attracts many people.
  3. Loyalty and Loyalty. Dogs of this breed are very attached to their owners and are willing to do anything for their protection and well-being.


  1. Aggressiveness. Polish Podhalean Sheepdogs can be aggressive toward strangers and animals. This makes them not the most suitable choice for those who cannot provide them with proper upbringing and socialization.
  2. Highly demanding. Polish Podhalyan Sheepdogs need regular exercise and mental stimulation, as well as attention and care. If you are not prepared to give them enough time and attention, you may encounter behavioral problems.
  3. Health problems. Like many other dog breeds, Polish Podhalean Sheepdogs can suffer from some medical conditions, including hip dysplasia and thyroid dysfunction.

Overall, the Polish Podhalean Sheepdog is a breed of dog that can be an excellent choice for those who are willing to give them enough time and attention, and are able to provide proper training and socialization.

Top 10 facts about the Polish shepherd dog:

  1. The Polish Podhalean shepherd dog was bred in Poland in the 16th century to protect herds from predators.
  2. Dogs of this breed have a powerful build, up to 60 cm high at the withers and weighing up to 40 kg.
  3. The coat of Polish Podhalean sheepdogs can be of different colors, including black, gray, pale and white.
  4. Polish Polish Shepherds Dogs have high working qualities and can be used for work with security services, search and rescue, as well as for various sporting activities.
  5. Dogs of this breed require regular care of their coats, including daily brushing and bathing not more than 1 time a month.
  6. Polish Podhalean sheepdogs can be aggressive to strangers and animals, so they need to be properly socialized and brought up.
  7. Dogs of this breed are enduring mentally and physically, which makes them excellent partners for various sports.
  8. Polish Podhalean Shepherds need regular exercise, including walks and games, as well as attention and care from their owners.
  9. This dog breed has a unique appearance that attracts many people with its beauty and power.
  10. The Polish Podhalean Sheepdog is a dog breed that can be the perfect partner for those who are willing to give their dog time and attention. They can be reliable and loyal companions and helpers in various areas of life.


The Polish Podhalean Shepherd is a dog breed that has many advantages and disadvantages that must be considered when choosing this breed. Dogs of this breed have high working qualities, unique appearance and loyalty to their owners. However, they can also be aggressive to strangers and animals, require regular grooming and exercise, as well as attention and care from their owners.

If you are considering getting a Polish Podhalean Sheepdog, you need to be prepared to give it enough time and attention, provide it with proper socialization and training, and take care of its health and physical and mental stimulation needs. If you are willing to do this, the Polish Podhalean Shepherd can be a great choice for you, a loyal and devoted friend and partner.