Irish Wolfhound

The Irish Wolfhound is an ancient breed that appeared on the territory of Ireland back in ancient times. It is believed that the first mentions of wolfhounds in Ireland date back to the 5-6 centuries AD. Dogs of this breed were used for protection of animals from wild animals, as well as for hunting big game. In those days the Irish Wolfhound was very popular, but by the early 20th century the breed had almost disappeared.

In 1925 the Irish Wolfhound Club was established, which was engaged in the reanimation of the breed. Special measures were taken to restore the number of Irish Wolfhounds, and eventually the breed became popular again.

Breed description

The Irish Wolfhound is a large breed of dog that has a powerful build and impressive size. They have a long and wide muzzle that resembles that of a bear. The tail of this breed is shaped oblique and has a rounded end.

The height at the withers in males reaches from 79 to 86 cm, in females – from 71 to 79 cm. The weight can reach from 54 to 90 kg. Their coat is short, stiff and dense and comes in shades of gray, black, white or red.

Character and behavior

The Irish Wolfhound is a strong and confident breed of dog that is loyal to its owners and very protective of them. They are very patient and friendly with children, but can be cautionary toward strangers and other animals.

This breed is independent and has a strong character, so requires socialization and training from an early age. They learn quickly and can be trained to follow various commands.

Breed Care

The Irish Wolfhound requires regular grooming of the coat and skin, as they can bow and be exposed to various infections. Regular brushing and nail clipping are recommended. You should also provide your dog with enough exercise to prevent excessive body weight and improve their overall health.

Breed Use

The Irish Wolfhound is an excellent companion and can make a great pet if trained and socialized properly. They can also be used for shows and training competitions.

In addition, the Irish Wolfhound can be used as a service dog, including working with the police, rescue services and as an assistance dog for people with disabilities.

Top 10 facts about the Irish Wolfhound:

  1. The Irish Wolfhound is one of the largest dog breeds in the world, with a record size of 111 pounds.
  2. The Irish Wolfhound has an ancient history and has been used for hunting large animals, protection from wildlife, and as a fighting dog.
  3. The Irish Wolfhound is a strong and confident breed that is loyal to its owners and can be protective of strangers and other animals.
  4. This breed requires socialization and training from an early age, but with proper training they can be excellent companions.
  5. The Irish Wolfhound can be used as a service dog, including working with the police, rescue services and as an assistance dog for people with disabilities.
  6. In Ireland, this breed of dog has the status of a national treasure and is a symbol of the country.
  7. Irish Wolfhounds can live about 6-8 years, which is a relatively short time for such a large breed.
  8. In 2018, an Irish Wolfhound named Beagle Scott was recognized as the largest dog in the world, reaching a record weight of 111 pounds.
  9. The Irish Wolfhound is a fairly rare breed of dog and is currently ranked 139th on the American Kennel Club’s list of popular breeds.
  10. This dog breed can have health problems such as hip dysplasia and a tendency to develop certain diseases such as cancer. Therefore, owners should provide their pets with quality care and regular vet visits.


The Irish Wolfhound is an ancient and large breed of dog that requires responsible and professional care. They are loyal to their owners and can be protective toward strangers and other animals, so they require socialization and training from an early age.

Irish Wolfhound can be used as a pet, service dog and participant in shows and training competitions. But in order for them to be healthy and happy, owners must provide them with regular grooming, proper nutrition and health care.

Although this breed has some health issues, they can make great companions for those who are willing to give them enough time and attention.