Iberian Mastiff

The Pyrenean Mastiff is one of the oldest breeds of dog that originated in the Pyrenees on the border of France and Spain. This breed was used to guard herds, protect against predators and people. In addition, these dogs were used to hunt bears, wild boars, and other large animals.

Breed Description

The Pyrenean Mastiff is a large and powerful dog with an imposing appearance. They have a tall stature and powerful build, a muscular chest and a broad muzzle. Adult Pyrenean Mastiff can weigh from 70 to 100 kilograms and its height at withers – from 70 to 80 cm. Color can be white, yellow or grayish.


Pyrenean Mastiffs are friendly and loyal dogs who are very attached to their owners. They are neither confrontational nor aggressive, but can become very dangerous to strangers and animals if they feel threatened by their family. Therefore, socialization with a Pyrenean Mastiff puppy should start at an early age.


Pyrenean Mastiffs do not require any special care. They need daily walks and moderate exercise. The dog’s coat should be brushed and combed regularly to keep it beautiful and shiny. You should also monitor your dog’s health and make regular visits to the veterinarian. It is also important to watch your dog’s nutrition and choose quality dog food.


Pyrenean Mastiffs, like other large breeds of dogs, can suffer from some health conditions. One common condition in Pyrenean Mastiffs is hip dysplasia, which can lead to pain and limited mobility in the dog. Also, dogs of this breed may suffer from other diseases such as arthritis, heart and respiratory system disorders.

Pros and cons of the Pyrenean Mastiff


  1. Pyrenean Mastiffs are very loyal and loyal dogs that make great companions for their owners.
  2. They have a powerful and imposing appearance that can help protect your home and family.
  3. Pyrenean Mastiffs do not need complicated grooming and do not require a lot of exercise, which can be especially convenient for people who cannot devote too much time to exercising with their dog.
  4. This breed interacts well with children and other pets, making them ideal for large families or people who have other animals.


  1. Pyrenean Mastiffs can become very dangerous to strangers and animals if they feel threatened by their family. Therefore, socialization with a Pyrenean Mastiff puppy should begin at an early age.
  2. They are large dogs that can take up a lot of space in your home or apartment.
  3. Pyrenean Mastiffs can suffer from a variety of medical conditions, including hip dysplasia, arthritis, and heart and respiratory problems.
  4. In addition, these dogs can act out cranky if not properly trained, so it’s important to give plenty of time and attention to their training and education.

Despite some flaws, the Pyrenean Mastiff is a terrific dog breed that will make a wonderful and loyal companion for anyone who is willing to give it enough attention and care.

Top 10 Facts About the Pyrenean Mastiff:

  1. The Pyrenean Mastiff is one of the most ancient dog breeds that originated in the Pyrenees on the border of France and Spain.
  2. These dogs were used to guard herds, protect against predators and humans, and hunt bears, wild boars, and other large animals.
  3. Pyrenean Mastiffs are large dogs, which can weigh between 70 and 100 kilograms and be 70 to 80 cm tall at the withers.
  4. The color of the Pyrenean Mastiff can be white, yellow or grayish.
  5. Pyrenean Mastiffs are very loyal and loyal dogs who make excellent companions for their owners.
  6. They interact well with children and other pets, making them ideal for large families or people who have other animals.
  7. Pyrenean Mastiffs can become very dangerous to strangers and animals if they feel threatened by their family. Therefore, socialization with a Pyrenean Mastiff puppy should begin at an early age.
  8. They do not require special care, but they do need daily walks and moderate exercise.
  9. Pyrenean Mastiffs can suffer from certain medical conditions such as hip dysplasia, arthritis, and heart and respiratory problems.
  10. The Pyrenean Mastiff is a terrific breed of dog that will make a wonderful and loyal companion for anyone who is willing to give it enough attention and care.


The Pyrenean Mastiff is an impressive and ancient breed of dog that is used to guard herds and also as a great companion. These large and powerful dogs are very loyal and loyal to their owners, but can be dangerous to strangers and animals if they feel threatened by their family. However, socialization with a Pyrenean Mastiff puppy should begin at an early age to avoid such problems. Pyrenean Mastiffs do not require much care, but they do need daily walks and moderate exercise, and attention should be paid to their health and nutrition. These dogs can make great companions for people who are willing to give them enough attention and care.