German Dane (Danish Dane)

The German Dane has an ancient history of which little is known. Its ancestors probably appeared in Egypt more than 4,000 years ago. In ancient times, these dogs were used as hunting and fighting dogs, as well as for guarding property and herds.

The German Great Dane was first recognized as a separate breed in 1876 in Germany. It was bred by crossing English Mastiff, Irish Wolfhound and other powerful breeds. Currently, the German Dane is one of the most famous breeds in the world.

Breed characteristics

Appearance: The German Dane is a very large dog, 70 to 80 cm high at the withers and weighing 50 to 90 kg. It has long legs, a powerful body and a large head with a long nose. Its coat is short, smooth and shiny and can be of many colors, from black to blue to marbled.

Character: Despite its imposing appearance, the German Great Dane is a fairly calm and gentle breed. It has a balanced nature and is usually friendly with children and other animals. However, it requires a lot of attention and socialization in order to avoid behavior problems.

Health: The German Dane has certain health problems, such as a tendency to heart disease, drooping eyelids and joint problems. Also, because of its large size, it can be prone to diseases related to obesity. Therefore, owners should pay special attention to their pets’ health and have regular medical checkups.

Features of the breed

Trainability: The German Dane is a very intelligent dog breed that is fairly easy to train. However, owners must be patient and use positive training to get the best results. Also, because of its size, the German Dane can be difficult to train, so training should begin at an early age.

Breed Care: The German Dane is a breed of dog that needs regular grooming. The dog’s coat should be brushed daily with a soft-bristle brush, as well as regularly clipped and bathed. Also, the German dog requires regular walks and exercise to maintain its health.

Compatibility with other animals: The German Dane is a friendly breed that usually gets along well with other animals. However, because of its large size, it can accidentally harm smaller animals such as cats or hamsters. Therefore, proper care and supervision is necessary when interacting with other animals.

How long does a German Dane live?

The average life expectancy of a German Dane is 8 to 10 years. However, some German Dane can live up to 12 years with proper care and a healthy lifestyle. It is important to take care of your pet’s health, have regular medical checkups, and give them enough exercise and proper nutrition to increase their longevity.

Pros and cons of the German Dane


  1. Good looks: The German Dane has a majestic appearance and is one of the largest dog breeds in the world.
  2. Friendly nature: German Dane dogs are known for their gentle and friendly nature. They are good with children and other animals.
  3. Easy-care: German Dane coats are short, sleek and shiny, making them easy to care for.
  4. Good trainability: German Dane is an intelligent dog, easy to train.
  5. Excellent guarding qualities: German Dogs have been used to guard property and herds, so they can make excellent guards.


  1. High maintenance costs: German Dogs require a lot of food and medical services, so they can be expensive to keep.
  2. High Physical Activity Requirements: German Dogs need regular physical activity to maintain their health, so they are not suitable for people who cannot provide them with enough exercise.
  3. Health problems: Great Dane can suffer from drooping eyelids and heart and joint health problems, so regular medical care is necessary.
  4. Unsuitable for apartment living: Due to its large size, the Great Dane needs a spacious living area and room for physical activity.
  5. Sensitive to heat: The Great Dane can suffer from heatstroke in hot weather, so adequate cooling should be provided.

Top 10 facts about the German Dane:

  1. The German Dane is one of the largest dog breeds in the world. The tallest German dog, nicknamed Zorro, was 111.8 cm tall at the withers.
  2. Despite its powerful appearance, the German Great Dane is known for its gentle and friendly nature. They are very fond of people and often get attached to their owners.
  3. The German Dane has been used for many purposes, including hunting wild boars and guarding property.
  4. German Dogs need plenty of exercise to keep them healthy and fit.
  5. Although the German Dane is not the longest-living breed, their average lifespan is about 8 to 10 years.
  6. German Dogs can be prone to drooping eyelids, which leads to vision problems and requires surgical treatment.
  7. This breed is very sensitive to heat and can suffer from heat stroke. Therefore, they should be cooled in hot weather and avoid prolonged exercise during hot periods.
  8. The German Dane is very popular among stars and famous personalities such as Winston Churchill, Marlon Brando and Frederick Douglass.
  9. German Dogs can be demanding to care for their coats, which need regular brushing and clipping.
  10. Despite their large size, German Dogs can be good pets in an apartment if they get enough exercise and outdoor walks.


The German Dane is a majestic and beautiful breed of dog that deserves attention. They have a powerful body and great height, but have a friendly and gentle personality. German Dogs need regular exercise, proper nutrition and coat care to stay healthy and happy. If you are willing to take responsibility for this breed, the German Dane will be the perfect companion and loyal friend for years to come.