Russian black terrier

The Russian Black Terrier was bred in Russia in the 1940s by crossbreeding a number of breeds, including the Risenschnauzer, Airedale, Moscow Watchdog and Rottweiler. The purpose of the breeding was to create a breed that would be ideal for service as military dogs, guards and shepherds.

Breed characteristics

Appearance: The Russian black terrier has an imposing appearance, it is large and powerful, with dark hair that covers the entire body of the dog. They reach a height of 66 to 77 cm at the withers and weigh from 36 to 68 kg.

Character: The Russian Black Terrier is an intelligent, loyal and loyal breed of dog that is often used as a service dog. They are good guards and guards, but can also be excellent human companions.

Grooming Requirements: The Russian Black Terrier needs regular walks and exercise. They also need regular haircuts and coat care. The dog’s ears and teeth should also be brushed regularly, and attention should be paid to their diet.

Breed Features

Intelligence: The Russian Black Terrier is a very intelligent dog breed that can learn quickly and follow various commands. They are also well suited to work as service dogs.

Health: The Russian Black Terrier is usually in good health, but as with any breed of dog, they can have various health issues such as hip dysplasia, as well as skin and eye problems. Therefore it is important to ensure he has regular visits to the vet and to monitor his health.

Socialization: The Russian Black Terrier is a very social breed that needs regular interaction with other dogs and people. This will help him develop good manners and reduce the risk of aggression and unwanted behavior.

Purpose: The Russian Black Terrier is a breed that was created for service, and they can be used in various fields such as military service, security, search and rescue, and others.

Pros and cons of having a Russian Black Terrier:


  1. Good guards and guards: Russian Black Terriers have a powerful body and a loyal, loyal character, which makes them excellent guards and guards.
  2. Intelligent and Trainable: This breed is very intelligent and can learn quickly. They can be used as service dogs, in search and rescue and other areas.
  3. Good Companions: Russian Black Terriers are very loyal and loyal, and can make excellent companions for people looking for a strong, loyal friend.
  4. Dependable and hardy: These dogs have good fitness and stamina, making them great for active people who want to spend time outdoors.


  1. Grooming Requirements: Russian Black Terriers require regular grooming, including regular walks, haircuts, coat and ear care, and watching their diet.
  2. Socialization: Russian Black Terriers need regular socialization to develop good manners and reduce the risk of aggression and unwanted behavior.
  3. Health: As with any breed of dog, Russian Black Terriers can suffer from conditions such as hip dysplasia, skin and eye problems.
  4. Size: Russian Black Terriers are large dogs, so they need plenty of room to live as well as enough exercise to reach their potential.

Overall, the Russian Black Terrier is a breed of dog that can make a great companion and a good service dog, but it does require regular grooming and socialization. People who want to own this breed should be prepared to put enough time and effort into caring for it and teaching it good manners. In addition, prospective owners should be prepared for the fact that the Russian Black Terrier is a large breed of dog and will need to provide ample space for him to live and be physically active.

Although the Russian Black Terrier has its disadvantages, this dog breed is unique and attractive to many people. They are loyal and loyal pets that can be good friends and helpers to their owners in various areas of life. However, before deciding to purchase a Russian Black Terrier, it is important to carefully weigh the pros and cons and make sure it is suitable for your lifestyle and level of responsibility.

Top 10 facts about the Russian Black Terrier:

  1. The Russian Black Terrier was bred in Russia in the 1940s by crossing a number of breeds, including the Risenschnauzer, Airedale, Moscow Watchdog and Rottweiler.
  2. The Russian Black Terrier is a large breed of dog that reaches a height at withers of 66 to 77 cm and weighs from 36 to 68 kg.
  3. The Russian Black Terrier has a dark, dense coat that requires regular care and haircuts.
  4. This breed of dog is characterized by high mental and physical stamina, which makes them excellent service dogs.
  5. Russian Black Terriers are very loyal and loyal dogs that can be great companions for people.
  6. Russian Black Terriers have a high energy level and need regular exercise and physical activity.
  7. They can be used as service dogs in various fields such as security, search and rescue and military service.
  8. The Russian Black Terrier is a breed of dog that needs regular socialization to develop good manners and reduce the risk of aggression and unwanted behavior.
  9. As with any breed of dog, the Russian Black Terrier can have conditions such as hip dysplasia, skin and eye problems.
  10. The Russian Black Terrier is a dog breed that requires careful care and training, but if you are willing to invest enough time and effort, it can be a wonderful and loyal pet.


The Russian Black Terrier is a dog breed that was created in Russia in the 1940s for use in various services. They are large, energetic, intelligent and loyal dogs that require regular grooming and training, but can make excellent service dogs or companions for people. It is important to remember that this breed has its pros and cons, and before buying a Russian Black Terrier, you should weigh all of its characteristics and make sure that it fits your lifestyle and level of responsibility. If you are willing to invest enough time and effort, the Russian Black Terrier can be a wonderful and loyal pet.