Taigan (Kyrgyz Greyhound)

The Taigan is one of the ancient dog breeds originating from Central Asia. It was bred in Kyrgyzstan in the Middle Ages as a dog for hunting ungulates such as wild boar, deer and goats. The breed’s name comes from the Kyrgyz word “taiga,” which means “forest.” Taigans are used not only for hunting, but also as guard dogs and sporting dogs.


Size and weight: Taigans are medium-sized dogs, which can reach a height of up to 80 cm at the withers and weigh up to 45 kg. Males are usually larger than females.

Color: The coloration of Taigans can be different, but the most common colors are pale, gray, black, white and red. Sometimes one can see colors with a blue tint or colors with white spots on the body.

Body features: Taigans have a slender build, with the ability to run fast and hardy. Their head is long and narrow, with small ears that may be flattened against the head. The eyes are large and oval, with an intense gaze. The neck is long and graceful, and the chest is deep and broad. The paws are straight and powerful, with strong claws. The tail is long and graceful, narrow and curved toward the end.


Basic character traits: Taigans are intelligent, loyal and independent dogs. They are very loyal to their owners and family, but can be distrustful of strangers. Taigans are hunting dogs, so they have high energy levels and need plenty of exercise. However, they can also be calm and affectionate pets.

Socialization and Training: Taigans need socialization and training from an early age to become well-behaved and sociable dogs. Owners should teach their dogs the rules of the house and outdoors, as well as obedience commands. However, it is important to remember that Taigans are independent dogs and can be stubborn when trained.

Compatibility with children and other animals: Taigans can coexist well with children and other animals if they have been socialized and raised correctly. However, like all dogs, Taigans can be aggressive if they have not been trained in the rules of behavior or if they feel threatened by their owner or family.


Major Illnesses: Taigans are a relatively healthy breed of dog, but like all breeds, they can have certain illnesses. Some of the most common ailments in taigans include bone and joint disease, as well as skin problems.

Care Recommendations: Care for taigans is not complicated, but it does include regular training, monitoring their diet and health, and taking care of their fur. Because taigans have long coats, they need to be brushed weekly to avoid curling and tangling. They also need regular walks and exercise to stay healthy and strong.


Nutrition: Taigans are active dogs, and they need a diet that matches their high energy level. They should get a high quality, balanced diet that consists of meat, fish, green vegetables, and fruits. Taigans also need enough water to stay hydrated during exercise and walks.

Training and Exercise: Taigans are very active dogs and need plenty of exercise. They need regular walks and enough exercise to stay healthy and strong. Long walks, jogging, playing with a ball or other toys, and hunting are good exercise options for Taigans.

Grooming: Grooming is an important aspect of taigans’ care. Their long hair requires regular brushing to avoid curls and tangles. The coat should be brushed daily or at least two to three times a week. When brushing, a soft brush or comb should be used to avoid damaging the dog’s skin and coat.

Peculiarities of puppy care: Taiga puppies require special care and attention. They need proper socialization and training from an early age to become well-behaved and sociable dogs. They also need enough food and water to grow up healthy and strong.

Top 10 facts about the Taigan (Kyrgyz Greyhound):

  1. Taigans are one of the oldest breeds of dogs originating from Central Asia.
  2. They were bred in Kyrgyzstan in the Middle Ages as a dog for hunting ungulates such as wild boar, deer, and goats.
  3. The breed’s name comes from the Kyrgyz word “taiga,” which means “forest.”
  4. Taigans are medium-sized dogs that can reach a height of up to 80 cm at withers and weigh up to 45 kg.
  5. Color of Taigans can be different, but the most common colors are pale, gray, black, white and red.
  6. Taigans are intelligent, loyal and independent dogs. They are very loyal to their owners and family, but can be distrustful of strangers.
  7. Taigans need socialization and training from an early age to become well-behaved and sociable dogs.
  8. Taigans are not difficult to care for, but include regular training, monitoring their food and health, and taking care of their long hair.
  9. Taigans can coexist well with children and other animals if they have been socialized and raised correctly.
  10. Taigans are excellent hunting dogs, but can also be great pets. They need plenty of exercise and love from their owners.


Taigans, or Kyrgyz Greyhounds, are a unique and ancient breed of dog that was bred in Central Asia to hunt ungulates. They are intelligent, loyal and independent dogs that need regular training and socialization from an early age. Taigans can make excellent hunting dogs, but can also be great pets that coexist well with children and other animals. Taigans are not difficult to care for, but they do include regular care for their health, nutrition, and long hair. If you are willing to give them enough love, care and exercise, Taigans can be great companions and loyal friends.